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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Schoolyard Bullies Gang Up on Smaller Jewish Kid: Demand His Lunch Money and Want Him to Lick Their Boots

CIB unfathomable news: Two notorious MRGA (Make Russia Great Again) schoolyard bullies ambushed the Ukrainian President yesterday in the White House, demanding his lunch money and a show of “gratitude” by licking their boots.

The schoolyard confrontation (CNN).

The confrontation got off to a good start with the MRGA boss’s feigned chagrin at the President’s attire: “Oh look, you’re all dressed up”.


The “disrespectful” attire of the Ukrainian wartime President (top: New York Times) contrasts with the “devout” attire of Huck Hogan at the Republican Convention (bottom: Getty Images). Only “professional” wrestlers like Hogan are permitted to approach His Highness in “fighting” attire, not wartime statesmen.

The bullies were satisfied that the dressing down made for “great television,” but they plan to up their game to attain the media impact of the infamous scenes of Viennese Jews being made to scrub the sidewalks after the Nazi Anschluss of Austria in 1938 (coming attractions for Ukraine and the European Union?).

Photo Credit: Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstandes

Vice-bully Vance said that in the future, foreign “indignitaries” would be required to grovel at least as far as 1938 Viennese Jews to prove their “gratitude,” something the Ukrainian President successfully resisted yesterday.

The world was stunned that the United States has fallen even below the 1954 televised Army-McCarthy hearings, when Army Counsel Joseph Welch challenged the senator’s reckless charges, asking, “Have you no sense of decency, sir?”, to this televised schoolyard bullying.

Photo Credit: United States Senate